your fcuking words can't bring me down. sorry!


>> Thursday, September 24, 2009

everybody falls in love. so do i (huaa memalukan). but because everybody and i do, falling in love is something normal, isn't it?
well i think, i like this guy. you don't need to know who the hell he is.
we talk a lot. really. but i can't show him my feeling. it's just so complicated. really confusing.
i wonder if he likes me or just wanna know me more. he seems to give a chance. but how can i be sure about it? i don't even know how he feels about me.
i can't be honest in front of him. said "i don't really like you", but it's just another pretty lie!
then what should i do? this love-issue will never come to an end.

i hate love. it's sucks.
you know, you just waste your time all day thinking about that person, wishing that that person thinking bout you too. but does that person think of you the same way you think of him (or her)? you can't be sure about it.
and now, i can't be sure about it!
why? because i think, i am too scared to ask him, do you even like me?
i think i really wanna know his feeling but i'm afraid asking it to him
i think i am a LOVE LOSER

i think, maybe it's true what they say, i am FRED CHICKEN!
i think i can only love him from distance
i think i am a nut

i think i am someone normal because everybody is
i think i have no guts to look him dead in his eyes
i think my heart always beats every time i hear his name
i think i really am fallin' for him
i think i look stupid in front of him

and i think i am too scared to tell him that
three words eight letters


well, so,...why not?

>> Wednesday, September 23, 2009

well...berhubung holiday kali ini adalah libur lebaran (which is meant that gwe harus beres2 rumah sendiri) makaa keluarga gwe berambisi buat getaway ke puncak. pertamanya gwe males. of course i did. secara gwe mikir, 4 hari di puncak kaga ada temen would be so lame! but actually, temen gwe yang emang deket sama keluarga gwe ikut ke puncak jga. so, yeayyy!!
1st day. gwe mikir. nih liburan ada anak2 kecil umur 4 dan 5 tahun. beuhh, honestly, gwe ga jago ngurus anak2. dan gwe kira bakal disaster banget berhadapan sama mereka. but i was totally wrong! temen2 gwe yang ternyata demen anak2 bisa menularkan aura mereka ke gwe! dan ternyata emang seru banget. you don't have to act too much in front of them. just act normally like they're as young as you!
2nd day. hmm ini dia nihh yang paling bikin males. nyuci piring. well sebenernya dari hari pertama udah ada jadwal nyuci piring. tapiii tetep aja bikin males di hari berikutnya. air dingin. piring bertumpuk. sendok garpu berserakan. kompor mesti dicuci juga! pheww banget..
but the good news is, the girls (gwe, nana, nonie, icha, miranda, gaby, grace) beserta om David (usually called Daddy) jalan2 ke Pesona Alam dan di dalemnya ada Bagedor Camp (kalo ga salah namanya ituu). and you know what, it was a total fun! seriusan. ada track camping gtuu terus kta liat tenda2 yang nyaman banget buat ditinggalin with great view. sayangnya, kita ga bawa kamera buat mengabadikan momen2 ituu. sheesh.
3rd day. everything goes normally. mungkin karena kta udah mulai kebiasa disana. tapi, serangan bosan datang!! imagine, lu stay di villa selama 3 hari with no where to go. so, kta mnghabiskan wktu di villa dengan ngebolang. yup. gwe, nonie, nana dan little grace jalan2 gtuu menyusuri lingkungan villa. ada jalan tembus di belakang villa dan jalan tembus itu berujung ke pemandangan Taman Safari. wow. at night, we had a mad time with webcaming. oh gosh, you need to see those silly photos and wait till you (i hope) laugh! i couldn't help to laugh at the photoshoot. really!
4th and last day. err. i was very excited since i was about to leave smelly bed, the-make-you-freezing-water, dishwashing shift, hmmm what else? but this once experience was worth to me. the madness in webcaming, getting really tired while helping the mommies, screwed up with the lil girls, slept till late, pop mie at midnight, fries for fancy food, childhood playground, seeking in the seeking game, kuning korea (i bet you don't know), walked for sport, and too many more.
well, so,...why not?

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